

We need help in virtually every part of the organization, from Accounting to Videography and everything in between! So if you have skills, please let us know what they are when you complete your application.

And if you don’t have specific business or professional skills you want to mention, don’t worry. The only real skills we require are a positive, can-do attitude and a genuine desire to support men with cancer.


Current Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Photographers -Video / Still- chronicle / capture activity at retreats / events

  • Facilitators - Lead retreat discussions with guests...training in April 2023

  • Newsletter Team - generate content for newsletters, work with Admin to publish

  • Communications Coordinator - work with Web Social Media Managers to keep content current, develop messaging for brochures, newsletters, and outreach

  • Retreat Coordinator - manage relationships and engage with retreat venue staff, coordinate resources for retreats

If you are interested in any of these positions, please complete a Volunteer application and note your areas of interest.
